As well as everyone in the Bibliography, I’d like to particularly thank Bernd Schneider, whose starship database was one of the inspirations for this ebook Graham Kennedy, whose exhaustive specs were an invaluable reference Doug Drexler and John Eaves, whose blogs have provided a wonderful insight into the background of vessels both well-known and obscure everyone at Memory Alpha - the ultimate online Star Trek reference and finally my old friend James Lawson, who’s kindly hosted the site and the PDFs since 2007. This project is intended to be a resource and reference for other Trek fans - as well as a showcase for the amazing work of both the talented designers and modellers involved with the Star Trek series, and the artists out there who've created the schematics and renderings. Other webmasters have done a tremendous job of creating and adding detailed speculative data themselves, and have done it far better than I would, so I’ll leave that extra depth to them. With regard to the specs and lists of the vessels included, I wanted to try stick to canon data where possible, or otherwise the most commonly accepted information in fandom (or very occasionally my own preference). The web links include some of the finest Trek sites out there, and are all well worth checking out, particularly if you’d like to delve further. All the sources used are credited in the Bibliography (along with the names of the designers of the models and CGI meshes used in the shows themselves). It was always my plan to eventually collate these volumes into one combined, (hopefully!) definitive guide to the major starships of Star Trek, and this is the culmination of that work. If I’ve used your image and haven’t managed to reach you, or I’ve not credited you, my apologies - please contact me. Since then I’ve endeavoured to contact and obtain permission from the creators and owners of each schematic and image to use them, and I’m immensely grateful to everyone who’s kindly granted that permission. But in 2006 a couple of fellow fans suggested I put them online for others to enjoy too. The style was inspired by an old World War II fighter planes book I used to have, along with a nod to Adam Lebowitz and Rob Bonchune’s excellent Starship Spotter, which is one of my favourite Trek tech manuals. These PDFs began purely as a personal project so I could print off the schematics I’d come across in a nice, consistent format.
The project started as a series of individual volumes, each covering nineteen vessels. In this ebook you’ll find specs, data and orthographics on over 130 spacecraft from the Star Trek series and movies, culled and collated from around the web. So, in 2004, with the wealth of data and images collected by fans on the web, I decided to try put something together myself. INTRODUCTION I’ve been waiting for years for someone to produce the definitive book on the starships of Star Trek. Star Trek and all photos, symbols and designs copyright Paramount Pictures and CBS Studios Inc.

All copyrights are acknowledged and no infringement is intended. This ebook was produced purely for reference and fun, on a non-profit, not-for-sale basis. uk THE STARSHIP HANDBOOK Compiled by Mark Gill m First Edition - Summer 2010 - Version 1.01 (18th August 2010) 1 Ex Astris Excellentia May 2008 Created with Serif PagePlus software.